Free And
Free And
Ongoing Adulthood Initiatory Processes can bridge a person into authentic Adulthood, but if you limit yourself to endless Emotional Healing Processes, then your Free And Natural Adult Character may never properly emerge. Further challenges await you on the Path...
Phase 1 and Phase 2 of Adulthood
Some of us in modern culture experienced what one could call an 'ordinary' childhood. You get born in a hospital with your mother under some form of anesthesia, or simply yanked out of your mother's womb by the patriarchal doctor who cuts open your 'incompetent' mother's belly at his convenience. You are weighed, vaccinated, blood sample taken, some goo squirted into your eyes, shoved into a sterilized plastic incubator because in reality, you were 'born' prematurely.
Maybe you were breast fed for a short while, then moved over to canned 'baby food' as was convenient to your parents. They put you in childcare as early as two years old, and school as soon after that as was legally possible so they could both work to earn enough money to pay for rent and food. Or your father left soon after you were born and you grew up with the stresses of having a single mom.
This is all classified as 'normal' in modern capitalist patriarchal empire culture. In Archiarchy, these conditions would be considered 'abusive', and indeed, in comparison with what your being needed to land on Earth in the arms of Gaia so you could bring your true potentials and knacks productively forward to serve the village, these 'modern' conditions fail miserably. Barely a few are lucky or resilient enough to buck the hierarchical systems and retain enough willpower to liberate their gifts.
Over the years of sitting across from people during Possibility Coaching sessions, or while delivering Expand The Box trainings and Possibility Labs, we have had to keep revising our estimate upwards for how many of us have been abused during our childhood. Our current estimate is at least 70%.
I have had to sob out loud to admit this number. My view towards holding a higher percentage of healthy childhoods was distorted by forgetting that those who make it into Healing or Initiatory processes with us are the lucky ones, the least scarred.
The other 70% will probably remain locked into whatever Survival Strategy they fabricated to Numb or distract themselves enough to make it through their days and nights without committing suicide, one way or another.
It can be shocking to admit that you have been abused. It seems to lock you into an inescapable Victim position in the Low Drama triangle. If you admit to having been abused it seems there will no longer be a possibility of regaining self-respect, dignity, or honor. It seems that way, but it is not true.
Admitting the abuse - naming names, dates, actions or inactions - brings you into a closer connection with Reality, a position from which your decisions and actions have more actual power to cause change, healing, and transformation. In other words, your steps along the Path into Adulthood are fortified the closer you get towards accurately acknowledging and reporting what actually happened to you. This, or course, is done in a Team with others who have undertaken a similar Path of healing, initiation, and transformation, and are skillfully holding and navigating space for each other's Processes.
There are many ways of being abused:
- PHYSICAL ABUSE,,, Being slapped, spanked, beaten with a belt, rubber hose, or branch, forced to stand in a corner or a closet, not being fed, being screamed at, being forced to watch parents scream at or beat each other, being sent outside or locked in a room, etc. are all forms of Physical Abuse. No amount of "This hurts me more than it hurts you..." or, "This is for your own good..." bullshit justifies any of this.
- SEXUAL ABUSE, Any man who remains in patriarchal culture is de facto uninitiated. Uninitiated adolescent males are given power positions in corporate, governmental, medical, religious, military, and educational hierarchies. This is insane. (See
- INTELLECTUAL / PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE,, Intellectual / Psychological Abuse is horribly tolerated in most modern cultures. For example, if a child falls down and painfully skins their knee, and the parent says, "Nothing happened," this is Psychological Abuse. If the child is sent to public school which is designed to stamp them into a pre-formatted curriculum and suppress their actual innate potentials, talents, and knacks, this is terrible Intellectual / Psychological Abuse.
- EMOTIONAL ABUSE Emotional Abuse is horribly tolerated in most modern cultures. For example, if a child falls down and painfully skins their knee, and the parent says, "Don't cry. Big boys don't cry!" this is Emotional Abuse.
- ENERGETIC ABUSE, A mother in the Patriarchy chooses one of two strategies for raising her children. The choice is almost always made unconsciously. If the child is a girl, the mother trains her daughter to hate men and get revenge on men, or she trains her to be a 'nice girl' prostitute play-thing to capture a rich and powerful patriarch. If the child is a boy, the mother hates the boy and belittles, criticizes, crushes, and destroys the boy to get revenge against all the abusive 'adolescent boys' they have experienced in the Patriarchy, or, the mother over indulges the boy child trying to make him into a 'nice boy', a 'good boy', the kind of person the mother thinks she would prefer to be with. Often the mother will unconsciously relate to her girl-child as a dangerous competitor against her for the husband/partner, and / or will try to force the boy-child into being a husband-surrogate. In either case of girl or boy child, the mother might also promote a White Widow or even Black Widow Survival Strategy, mixing 'sexual energetic substance exchange' in as part of the child's Survival Strategy. All of these are terrible forms of Energetic Abuse.
- ARCHETYPAL ABUSE, Human beings are designed to interact with the Archetypal nature of the Universe. Although Archetypal elements may appear in architecture, artwork, and super-hero films, it is not taken into account during daily life and interactions. This gives the Archetypal a flavor of being superficial or even imaginary, and it is most definitely not. The disparity between what we sense as true and important during certain moments of childhood, and what is regarded at 'important' by the 'adults' leaves scars from Archetypal Abuse.
- COMBINED ABUSE, Just because the Shadow World seems to operate at unconscious levels, beneath the threshold of awareness of a 'good citizen', does not mean that World is not thriving. What this means in practical terms is that, without paying Initiated Adulthood Attention, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
If you have experienced any of these kinds of abuses - or suspect that you have - and you have gotten yourself together enough to read these words, we honor you. We regard you as already on our Team of those moving to next culture - Archiarchy - using our childhood experiences, whatever they were, as reference points out of which wisdom and compassion can grow strong enough to build bridges for others to also cross over into Archiarchy, but only after specific, thorough, and appropriate healing processes.
Since 1975 Possibility Managers have been empirically developing specific Thoughtware Upgrades, plus healing and transformation processes so that human beings can escape from childhood survival strategies in the same way that there comes a point when a butterfly is ready to escape it chrysalis, or a baby bird is ready to escape its shell, to suddenly engage in life from a new standpoint. We ongoingly deliver these Processes in 'Possibility Labs'. ( NOTE: The prerequisite for participating in Possibility Labs is full participation in Expand The Box training.)
Phase 1 of Adulthood begins where you are after your childhood, approximately at 18 years of age. (If you have been unschooled, this age can be as early as 16. Public schooling often blocks and distracts children from their potentials and their Path to a serious degree.)
Phase 1 of Adulthood begins with assessing to what degree you have formed your Survival Strategy around making your abuse normal.
If you make your abuse normal, then even when the abusers (or the abusive circumstances) are no longer present in your life, you do not feel 'normal' unless you continue to abuse yourself. You scream at yourself internally, judge yourself, criticize yourself, blame yourself, disempower yourself, even have 'accidents' such as crashing your bicycle, falling off a ladder, losing all your money, or continuously choosing abusive people as your partners. You have developed the skill of being able to walk into a party or conference where a mix of perhaps one-hundred people are milling about, and with a few seconds scan you find the person you (your Gremlin and Box...) are most 'attracted' to, because this is the person best suited to keep things the same for you by fulfilling the role of your abuser, or the one you can abuse as a way of abusing your own soul.
If you have not made your abuse normal, then as soon as you escape from your abusive circumstances, you bounce back to self-respect and self-care, completely releasing your abusers from your world. An indicator that you have released your abusers is that you are in a healthy evolving intimate relationship. As you can guess by looking around... not many people completely release their abusers. They are still using them.
Phase 1 of Adulthood begins with taking basic care of yourself.
Until you are able to take basic care of yourself, there is no chance for you to begin Phase 2 of Adulthood. Taking basic care of yourself includes:
- Dressing yourself.
- Feeding yourself.
- Grooming yourself.
- Giving yourself rest, water, and good food.
- Being able to maintain your personal physical space.
- Keeping others out of your Space (ending enmeshment).
- Not being adaptive... not making that automatic smile.
- Taking your Center back from external authorities. In other words, reclaiming your own Authority.
- Inner Navigating your Feelings and Emotions.
- Unmixing your Emotions.
- Completing Incomplete Emotions.
- Making Boundaries.
- Saying what you want.
- Making and standing by your Decisions, Yes or No.
- Keeping your time and money agreements.
- Make Commitments and keep them.
- Transforming your Gremlin.
- Decontaminating your Adult Ego State.
- Etc.
If you are not ongoingly helping yourself, if you are not in well-being, you will not be able to help others.If you pretend as if you are doing these Phase 1 things - if you enact a role of 'being someone who can take care of yourself', but you actually cannot - then the deep healing and initiation work of Phase 2 Adulthood (for example, preparing yourself to jack-in to your Archetypal Lineage) will fail, because you yourself are not actually 'there'. You are putting on a show. You are not Authentic.More participants of an evolutionary Path than one might like to think wonder why it has not worked for them. The answer may be quite simple: You were not there. You let the Child or Gremlin, Parent, or Demon Ego States stay in control of your Adult Ego State. These contaminating Ego States work well as a Survival Strategy to keep things the same, but they interfere voraciously when the wish is to engage in an evolutionary Path. The invasive Ego States will not let changes actually happen because their job is to 'protect you by keeping things the same'.
If you discover this has happened for you, there is nothing else but to start over from zero with a new set of internal and external distinctions about Transforming your Gremlin and Decontaminating your Adult Ego State, and possibly a new Team. Starting over can work, but the chances are enhanced by arranging to be on a Team with some skilled Possibilitators. As a consolation, it can help to recognize that any authentic Matrix that you previously built remains to support your further development.
Once Phase 1 of Adulthood has been accomplished, E.C.C.O. (Earth Coincidence Control Office) will sense it directly. E.C.C.O. will start putting new kinds of jobs and challenges on your bench. This is the signal to engage Phase 2 of Adulthood.
A condition which sometimes arises is that you may have actually gained the skills and made the healing and initiatory changes that together accomplish Phase 1 of Adulthood, but you have stayed there a little too long and crystallized these Phase 1 practices into habit. You made the conclusion that, "This is Adulthood."
Here you are, standing at the Doorway to Phase 2 Adulthood, with your back towards the Doorway. You are facing the opposite direction and do not even know that the Doorway is there, directly behind your back.
You think you have achieved Adulthood because when you feel angry, you make boundaries! You express your feelings. You say what you want. You can say, "Stop!" and "No!" You can hold space with your Center, Grounding Cord and Bubble. And yes, you have achieved Adulthood... Phase 1 Adulthood.
Phase 2 Adulthood is an entirely different universe.
You cannot enter Phase 2 Adulthood before accomplishing Phase 1 Adulthood, BUT... the transition from Phase 1 Adulthood to Phase 2 Adulthood is not automatic. You will need to turn around and face the opposite direction that you are accustomed to and familiar with and feeling so good about. Not only that, but you will need to let go of Phase 1 Adulthood in order to enter Phase 2 Adulthood. It is a scary and groundless transition, but it need not take very long. If you can recognize the habits you have taken on in Phase 1 Adulthood and make them conditional rather than automatic and habitual, then you gain the choice of being able to let them go.
When, for example, 'Making A Boundary' becomes optional rather than mandatory, you gain the Possibility of using the same experiences you are Noticing in the Space for a completely upgraded set of Purposes. For example, rather than using your Conscious Anger to create a rigid or solidified state of Boundaries, you can create a more fluid and Navigable condition by using your Conscious Anger to make Distinctions, Proposals, Invitations, Discovery Questions, Vacuum Learning, and Intimacy Negotiation.
As you turn and walk through the Phase 2 Adulthood Doorway by learning to Fly, your playing field expands to the horizon.
- Living your day Centered, Grounded, and Bubbled in First Position of a Possibilitator.
- Caring Communication.
- Making Boundaries.
- Say What You Want.
- Not Being Adaptive.
- Creating Clarity.
- Using your 13 Tools.
- Stellated Feelings.
- Making Offers and Proposals.
- Negotiating Intimacies.
- Navigating Nonlinear and Unreasonable Spaces.
- Improvising each step of the way as a Free and Natural Adult being the space through which your Bright Principles and Archetypal Lineage do their work in the world.
Free And Natural Adult Experiments
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Matrix Code FREEADUL.00
Matrix Code FREEADUL.00
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code FREEADUL.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!